Monday, September 23, 2013
How to control blood pressure with our diet ?
me speak about the how to control blood pressure with our diet.
Bananas in fact have a lot to offer us, both nutritionally, as well as in relieving the symptoms of a myriad of physical complaints.
While taking about how to control blood pressure with our diet bananas will help us to reduce it because they have more proteins and nutrients when compared to Apples.
Consumption of bananas in daily diet makes us live longer, healthier and active through taking its healthy benefits.
Let us discuss about the facts that made me to write this post of healthy benefits of bananas,
Bananas in fact have a lot to offer us, both nutritionally, as well as in relieving the symptoms of a myriad of physical complaints.
While taking about how to control blood pressure with our diet bananas will help us to reduce it because they have more proteins and nutrients when compared to Apples.
Consumption of bananas in daily diet makes us live longer, healthier and active through taking its healthy benefits.
Let us discuss about the facts that made me to write this post of healthy benefits of bananas,
- Bananas help us to maintain blood pressure since they are the rich sources of potassium. Every ones knows that blood pressure is one of the leading risk factors and indicator for heart disease.
- In average, bananas contain about 500mg of potassium and 1 mg of sodium. Scientists say that potassium lowers blood pressure while sodium increases blood pressure. A heavenly ratio to consume it on daily basis
- We already discussed earlier that bananas are rich in potassium and reduces blood pressure. Now a recent study also suggested that three bananas a day reduces the risk for stroke by 21 %
- The miracle ingredients present in bananas are potassium this counter attacks the loss of urinary calcium loss caused by High-salt diets. University of Maryland Medical centre declared that bananas reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
- Fruits like banana are important for keeping good sight. A 2004 study, published in the Archives of Ophthalmology, indicated that eating three or more servings of fruit per day may lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the primary cause of vision loss in older adults, by 36 per cent, compared to persons who consume less than 1.5 servings of fruit daily.
- Besides, their calming properties help combat morning sickness, snacking on bananas between meals can help in keeping blood sugar levels up.
- Are you suffering from constipation? The best solution to constipation is eating a banana a day. Bananas are rich in fibre that can help to restore normal bowel action, and overcome constipation without resorting to laxatives. A single serving (one medium-sized banana) contains 16 per cent of the daily recommended dietary fibre intake for a normal adult.
- Research in the International Journal of Cancer suggests that regular, moderated consumption of whole fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, can be kidney-protective. The result of a large population based prospective study of 61,000 women aged 40 to 76, showed that women eating more than 75 servings of fruits and vegetables per month cut their risk of kidney cancer 40 per cent.
- Also, according to the study in the Internal Journal of Cancer, women halved their risk of developing kidney problem by eating bananas compared to those who did not eat this fruit.
- In pregnancy, just shoving a banana in the mouth calms the queasy feeling, restores the blood glucose level and body temperature.
- In uncomfortable conditions like diarrhoea, electrolytes are drained out of the body, causing weakness. These electrolytes can be restocked with the help of potassium levels present in bananas.
- A survey involving 200 students at a school in Middlesex, who were given bananas along with their normal diet for their breakfast, break and lunch proved that bananas increase brain power. The research indicated that potassium in bananas helped to increase their mental alertness and boost brain power.
- Pectin, a soluble fibre in banana facilitates reduction of cholesterol levels. Expert based on findings from various studies say its water-soluble fibres such as pectin, psyllium, guar gum and beta-glucan effectively lower LDL Cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) without causing any kind of disturbance to HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol.
- Bananas are loaded with essential nutrients vital for a healthy skin. They contain high doses of vitamin C which helps production of collagen, a type of protein found in the skin. Also, vitamin C a potent antioxidant protects the body from attack of free radicals that cause premature ageing. Conversely, bananas are a good source of vitamin B6 known as pyridoxine essential for promoting a healthy skin.
- Like most fruits, the banana is a healthful food that can be eaten without any problem. However, diabetics should consult with a physician or dietician to determine if bananas should be included in a diet that aims to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates. Anyone with an allergy to bananas should also avoid the fruits to minimise the risk of an allergic reaction.
- Experiencing anaemia, try banana rather than blood forming. High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of haemoglobin in the blood and so help in cases of anaemia.

According to these facts bananas reduce blood pressure,they are lot more than this i suggest you to add bananas to your daily diet,because i care for your health.
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